Tuesday, 27 April 2021

A retired member speaks about the PCS Elections

One of my peers during my time in PCS, Dave Warren, worked in the Driver Vehicle Licensing Centre in Swansea for much of the time that I was a representative. He speaks here about the current industrial action in his old workplace. If you looked at my article on the history of the left in PCS, and the complacency of its current leadership, then what Dave is saying will be no surprise to you. This is why the Broad Left Network is standing, to try to make a difference, and why retired members with nothing personal to gain, such as Dave, me, and others, are asking you to vote for Broad Left Network candidates!

Dave Warren’s Video

Who are the Broad Left Network?

The Broad Left Network was formed by socialists in response to the need to challenge and replace the current failed union leadership.

The key issues it is standing candidates on include:

  • A national campaign for a safe working environment. Address mental health, stress and well-being as a priority. We won’t pay for the Covid-19 crisis
  • Stop the pay freeze. For a 10% pay rise. A national campaign on pay and pensions
  • End privatisation, bring services back in-house
  • Protect and improve lay democracy
  • Protect the future of our union with campaigns that can recruit, organise, build and win improvements, not by mergers and restructures.
  • Fight the Tory attacks on our right to protest, strike and picket
  • A strong political voice — PCS should only support candidates who back us

BLN Candidates

I support the Broad Left Network and call upon union activists and members to vote for these BLN supported candidates in the ballot 22 April - 13 May.


Vice presidents

National executive committee