It’s polling day tomorrow, and the establishment parties have nothing to offer working-class and young people.
At the ballot box, you can register your dissent and help build the fightback by voting for the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition. TUSC is standing a list for the London Assembly (orange ballot paper), and in several Assembly constituency seats and borough ward by-elections.
If you want to come help us fly the flag for the working-class anti-austerity alternative, we’ll be out campaigning across London tomorrow, and on the weekend after polling day. Just let us know when you’re free and we can hook you up.
And we need to stay organised, ready to fight, whatever the election result. Strikes, protests, and demands for socialist policies will be necessary, whichever establishment candidates win. Get involved — join the Socialist Party! We can arrange a discussion about what that means — just let us know when works for you.