Time is running out for PCS Members to vote in its National Elections, your ballot paper needs to be in by 13th May. If you have group elections, you can vote on line (you should have got an email), and this needs to be done by 18th May. DWP and HMRC recommendations here.
Here are some more recommendations from some of the candidates:
Who are the Broad Left Network?
The Broad Left Network was formed by socialists in response to the need to challenge and replace the current failed union leadership.
The key issues it is standing candidates on include:
- A national campaign for a safe working environment. Address mental health, stress and well-being as a priority. We won’t pay for the Covid-19 crisis
- Stop the pay freeze. For a 10% pay rise. A national campaign on pay and pensions
- End privatisation, bring services back in-house
- Protect and improve lay democracy
- Protect the future of our union with campaigns that can recruit, organise, build and win improvements, not by mergers and restructures.
- Fight the Tory attacks on our right to protest, strike and picket
- A strong political voice — PCS should only support candidates who back us
BLN Candidates
I support the Broad Left Network and call upon union activists and members to vote for these BLN supported candidates in the ballot 22 April - 13 May.
Vice presidents
National executive committee
- Bartlett Dave: MOJ
- Bridges Andi: HMRC
- Brittle Fiona: Scot Gov
- Brown Alex: Health
- Brown Sarah: Met Police
- Davies Jaime: HMRC
- Denman Kevin: Met Police
- Dennis Alan: DSG
- Doyle Nick: HMRC
- Foxton Gill: DfE
- Francis Sue BEIS
- Guinnane Paul: DfE
- Heemskerk Rachel: DWP
- Lloyd Marion: BEIS
- Lowry Tom: DWP
- McDougall Rachelle: HMRC
- Parker Nick: BEIS
- Rees Dave: DWP
- Ritchie Rob: Met Police
- Rosser Jon-Paul: HMRC
- Semple Dave: DWP
- Suter Paul: DWP
- Tweedale Saorsa-Amatheia: DWP
- Williams Katrine: DWP
- Worswick Craig: DWP
- Young Bobby: HMRC
- Young Colin: DfE