Wednesday, 31 March 2021

Why I'm Voting TUSC

Council Housing

Here in London, the cost of housing is going through the roof. The old Tory Government policy of selling off council housing has gone beyond selling them at a discount to tenants. In many cases, councils, including Labour councils, are selling off whole blocks to developers. Close to where I live, in Barking, a council block of maisonettes and a low-rise block of flats is being sold off. This block is of the same design as the one I live in. What is planned to replace it, is a block with a certain number of supposedly affordable homes, however, these homes are flats without gardens, with rents far higher than the council rent we pay, and most flats will cost a lot more.

Friday, 26 March 2021

Hello World

This is not so much a “Hello World”, as a “Hello Again, World”. After years of posting nothing, I’ve decided to re-launch this site. All previous content has been removed as it’s out of date.

It’s been roughly a year since the Coronavirus lockdowns started. Three months ago, I decided to re-join the Socialist Party after a long absence. During this year, we’ve seen: